The LWAS Blog

You have questions? I give you answers.

These answers are what I tell my own clients and what our surgeons agree with, but always make sure you double check with your own surgeon, too. If you have questions that aren't answered here please let me know and I'll get onto it. Fill out the contact form or email me

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August 1, 2021

All about fibre after sleeve gastrectomy

There are many specific nutrients that are important after a sleeve. You will hear a lot about protein, fluids and all the vitamins you need to take, however fibre is something that can be forgotten in the longer term and […]
July 16, 2021

Gut Health After Sleeve Gastrectomy

Gut health after sleeve gastrectomy is something rarely talked about. There has been a huge amount of research into the gut health and the microbiome in recent years. We’re starting to understand the importance of the millions of bacteria that […]
June 7, 2021

Taste changes after sleeve gastrectomy

Did you know that taste changes after sleeve gastrectomy are common? These changes to food preferences seem to be dependent on the type of procedure, differ significantly between people and can disappear or revert back over time. With the help of […]
May 23, 2021

What to pack in your hospital bag for VSG

If your surgery is coming up and you’re wanting to be as prepared as you can including having all the essentials in your hospital bag – then this one’s for you! With the help of my LWAS community I have […]
May 16, 2021

New sleeve-friendly products for your trolley

New products are always popping up on supermarket shelves. Here are some of the newer options I’ve been using lately that are sleeve-friendly. They’re better options than the regular as they are higher in protein, fibre or are a sneaky […]
April 26, 2021

How to build a healthy, VSG-friendly breakfast

For many it’s easy to skip breakfast because the morning is just too busy, however after a sleeve gastrectomy it’s extremely important to eat three good quality meals a day, including breakfast. But… it doesn’t have to be complicated! Here’s […]
March 29, 2021

Tips for keeping portion sizes sleeve-friendly long term

Portion size is one of the keys to maximising your weight loss and keeping it off in the long term. The further away from surgery the easier it is to forget what portions were like in the beginning and slip […]
March 15, 2021

Why you shouldn’t eat and drink at the same time after a sleeve

After a sleeve staying hydrated should be one of your priorities. However how and when you drink your fluids is equally as important! To clear up any confusion and to answer some frequently asked questions I wanted to explain what […]
February 28, 2021

The best proteins to eat after a sleeve

Eating adequate protein after a sleeve is extremely important. Protein helps to maintain muscle mass, heal surgical wounds and keep you feeling full after a meal. The type and texture of protein you choose after surgery can impact your long […]
February 16, 2021

Guide to bariatric portion sizes

If you’d like to watch me talk about this in video format, head here. Getting used to your new portion sizes after surgery takes time. Not knowing if you’re eating too much or not enough is a really common feeling. […]
January 31, 2021

Meal delivery options after sleeve gastrectomy

It’s safe to say 2020 was well and truly the year for meal delivery. From Uber Eats to YouFoodz, convenience is what everyone’s looking for. After a sleeve you may think those days are behind you but don’t fret, you […]
January 10, 2021

When to stop eating after a sleeve

You know the feeling you have after Christmas lunch? Or when you accidentally eat one or two mouthfuls too many and make yourself so uncomfortable you need to lie down? Not pleasant! So let’s have a chat about how to […]