The LWAS Blog

You have questions? I give you answers.

These answers are what I tell my own clients and what our surgeons agree with, but always make sure you double check with your own surgeon, too. If you have questions that aren't answered here please let me know and I'll get onto it. Fill out the contact form or email me

If you're after advice for a specific stage in your journey or on a specific topic click on the tab button below to sort the posts and find what you're after.
November 3, 2018

Raspberry Protein Boost Smoothie

Summer is upon us in Sydney. We didn’t really have a spring and now wham! Here come those 35 degree days! After a long run, I  was so dehydrated and hungry only a smoothie would do for post run brekkie. […]
September 24, 2018

Moroccan lamb pilaf with baked eggplant

We had  a fundraising long lunch at our house the other day and stupidly I forgot to use a pomegranate I bought in one of the salads like I had planned. So, determined to use that pomegranate, I went hunting […]
September 19, 2018

Will my stomach stretch after sleeve gastrectomy?

A very common question I get asked is “Will my stomach stretch after sleeve gastrectomy?” and it’s a very important question! The sleeve works so well because it shrinks the size of your stomach and helps to control your appetite. […]
September 9, 2018

Boost the protein of your meals with these quick tips!

After a sleeve gastrectomy you’ll hear one word over and over and over again… PROTEIN! Protein is important, but sometimes it can seem difficult to work out how to eat enough, especially if you’re struggling to eat meat due to […]
August 23, 2018

Sleeve Friendly Recipe: Rainbow Thai Salad

Who doesn’t love a Thai salad?! Crunchy. Fresh. Sweet. Sour. And best of all, super easy! This gastric sleeve friendly recipe is from the Forever After Recipes archive and I just love it! It’s suitable for when you’re on the […]
August 11, 2018

Simple ways to eat more vegies after sleeve gastrectomy

Veggies are super important for all of us, but especially after a sleeve. Often we miss out on the fibre, vitamins and minerals that vegetables provide due to lack of space or because we focus too much on protein and […]
July 26, 2018

Simple steps to get back on track after sleeve gastrectomy

“I’ve fallen off the wagon!” “Help! I’ve gained weight again and I don’t know why…” “All my old habits are starting to creep back in and I don’t know what to do!”   If you’ve been thinking along these lines […]
June 18, 2018

Pureed beef with pumpkin – perfect for the puree phase and beyond!

After surgery comes the often dreaded puree phase. But, it doesn’t have to be dreaded! This recipe is brought to you by Forever After Recipes which is a fabulous recipe membership site for those with a sleeve. You can search […]
June 12, 2018

3 steps to reading food labels after gastric sleeve

Confused about what to buy in the supermarket? Food labels can be tricky, especially when there are multitudes of products to choose from and now you have a sleeve and want to make sure you’re making the best choice. Reading […]
June 7, 2018

Spinach & Parmesan Salmon on Mash: A Member Recipe

This delicious recipe is from one of our LWAS Community members, Laurel. It’s packed with vegies and protein, takes only about 20 minutes to make, and is perfect for anyone from around 6-8 weeks post op. Laurel says this is […]
May 4, 2018

Q&A: What is dumping syndrome and will I get it after my sleeve?

You might have heard of Dumping Syndrome, especially if you’ve spent some time on forums or in weight loss surgery groups. In this post, I explain what Dumping Syndrome is, why you might get it and what to do about […]
April 27, 2018

Ratatouille – A forever after recipe

As the weather is starting to get a little colder and the days a little shorter, I thought some delicious comfort food was in order! This week’s recipe is brought to you by Forever After Recipes which is a fabulous recipe […]