Veggies are super important for all of us, but especially after a sleeve. Often we miss out on the fibre, vitamins and minerals that vegetables provide due to lack of space or because we focus too much on protein and forget about eating vegies after sleeve at all.
Ideally, you should try to eat vegetables twice a day – about 1/2 a cup each time or around half your meal (the other half being protein). Of course you can eat veg raw or cooked as part of a meal, but if you struggle to remember or you struggle with the texture, try these quick and easy ways to make sure you’re getting enough veg in your day.
The importance of vegies in the daily post-sleeve diet is explained in this fabulous bariatric pyramid from Nord Bariatric.
This first tip is my absolute favourite! Alternate your mouthfuls at each meal:Â a bite of protein, a bite of veg. That way, when you fill up you know you’ll have eaten half and half. This one works at main meals, at snacks, when you’re eating at home or eating out.
If you prefer to focus on protein at main meals, eat your vegetables as snacks . Some simple vegie-packed snack ideas include:
Snack on some cherry tomatoes – no chopping needed!
Get some vegies and some fluid in in one go by drinking a vegie juice. Just make sure it’s a whole juice, so you get the fibre, as well as the juice, and also make sure the majority of your juice is vegetable, and not fruit so you don’t end up drinking too many empty calories.
Trick yourself like you would a toddler, by cooking vegies into all your meals. Try:
Mash it. Mashed vegies are usually really well tolerated after a sleeve as it usually takes out any texture issues if you’re sensitive. Just make sure you add protein to your mash so you’re getting a good balance. Try:
Incorporate vegetables into breakfast. Get a step ahead by getting some veg in first thing! Some tasty, easy options include:
Add vegies to your morning smoothie.
So tell me, how do you get your vegies in? Do you do some of the above or do you do something completely different? Please comment below and let me know!